What Is Amazon web service (AWS) and what are Its Advantages

Amazon web service is a platform that offers cloud computing solutions. The Amazon web service acts as a building block that helps create any kind of application on the cloud. Cloud computing is a technology that helps you to store and access your data over the internet. It also helps you read, edit and update the information through a remote server; this means you do not need a hard disk anymore. Acquiring the knowledge of Amazon web service provides you many benefits. There are a lot of AWS certification courses; one of the best courses is available at IT View, a software training institute in Pune. Learning at IT View will open up many avenues in the field of web development.

The Amazon web service is considered to be the most cost-effective, flexible, easy-to-use, scalable, and reliable platform offered by Amazon. It is a comprehensive service that requires infrastructure as a service (IaaS), packaged software as a service (SaaS), and platform as a service (PaaS) to be developed and work efficiently. It can be developed for the various business cloud-based purposes such as a pay-as-you-go pricing model, storage, analytics, databases, networking, mobile, enterprise applications, and development tools. The Amazon web service services have a wide range that falls into various categories like Compute, Migration, Storage, Security, Database, Analytics, Management, IoT, Deployment, Streaming, Artificial Intelligence, Game Development, etc. 

The Amazon web service was launched by Amazon in 2006 and it is the first pay-as-you-go cloud, computing model. The Amazon web service users are spread across 190 countries, which include some of the world’s giant companies like Instagram, Netflix, Samsung, Pinterest, and many others. Therefore, it is one of the preferred choices of all the developers. If you are also a budding developer and want to learn the skills for Amazon web service then contact ITView the best Software training institute in Pune that offers quality courses that are taught by highly experienced faculty members.      

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Amazon Web Services for Beginners 

For beginners learning AWS is like a crawling child is learning to walk. The new coder should acquire the basics of logic flow; understand the structures of the algorithm as well as data. Learning AWS is like getting access to a broader ecosystem of code that is beyond the fundamental coding. Therefore has a steeper learning curve and needs a knowledge base of the relationship between a user and server, the setting of the back end, various network protocols, the concept of IP address, and turn URL into IP address. 

Amazon Web Services Job Opportunities
  • One can go for building IT infrastructure
  • Work with Cloud – cloud sales and purchase managing, cloud architect, cloud DevOps engineer, a cloud software engineer. 
  • You can become a SysOps administrator
  • Another option is becoming an AWS Certified Solution Architect. 
  • Other options in AWS are – System Integrator, Networking Specialist, Big Data Specialist, etc. 

Advantages of Amazon web services

Easy to Use

The Amazon web service is very user-friendly for everyone including application providers, ISVs, as well as vendors. One can securely host any kind of application no matter whether it’s an old one or SaaS-based. Access to its hosting platform is enabled by Amazon web service Management Console or well-documented web services APIs. 


The service has a pay-as-you-go pricing strategy i.e. you will only have to pay for the kind of compute, storage, and other resources you use. This means there are no long-term contracts or commitments. 

Scalable and Efficient Performance 

There are many different tools under Amazon web service such as Auto Scaling or Elastic Load Balancing that help you customise the application according to demand. These tools help you scale the application as per the client’s requirement. Amazon also has an abundant infrastructure that gives you access to various compute and storage resources. 


While using Amazon web service a developer can select any programming language, database, web application platform, or operating system according to the requirement. You get a virtual workstation through which you can access all the required software and services for your application. 

Safe to Use

Since the Amazon web service uses an end-to-end approach it provide a secure the infrastructure considering all the aspects like software, physical, and operational.  


You get a virtual backbone with the access of global computing infrastructure due to Amazon web services. So, you have enough resources and tools to create a perfect application. 

Less Procurement

You do not need to procure separate licenses for different operating systems & software. Plus it helps you build up a new server within a few minutes. Other services take 8-10 days to be ready depending upon the infrastructure.    

Application of Amazon web services

  • Search Engines
  • Storage
  • Backup recovery 
  • Development and test environments
  • Social Networking
  • Content delivery 
  • Spreading information 
  • Website hosting
  • Mobile Application
  • Web site hosting
  • Lambda Functions (Used for Alexa Skils)

Tools Supported by Amazon web services

  • Corretto
  • Cloud9
  • Codebuild
  • CodeCommit
  • Codedeploy
  • CodePipeline
  • Command Line Interface
  • CodeStar
  • Device Farm
  • X-Ray
  • API


Joining IT View’s AWS certification course makes you capable of hosting different kinds of websites. It gives an access to a global infrastructure and framework of websites. You can build websites in different domains such as CRM, media applications, IoT, artificial intelligence, etc. By understanding AWS at IT View you will be pitching for a never-dying career as it will only grow with the exponential rise of the internet.

What is Amazon Web Services?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform offered by Amazon.com. It provides a wide range of cloud-based services, including computing power, storage, database management, content delivery, and more. AWS enables businesses to access scalable and reliable computing resources on-demand, without the need for upfront investments in infrastructure. It offers a flexible and cost-effective solution for organizations of all sizes to build and deploy applications, manage data, and innovate quickly in the digital era.

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